Eating is one of the greatest pleasures this life can give, but to take the flavors to the next level first you need to lure the eyes.
A very trending topic around social media right now are the “foodie”, “food junkies” or “foodporn”
Any guy can upload a little picture of what would be a flavor explosion in his mouth.
But I´m sure I´m not the only one that thinks that not every picture posted online can interact at a level that you would want to go out to get that piece of that plate or maybe even try to make something similar to the posted picture; that is why I´m going to show you a way where you will be able to taste the flavors out of a picture.
I present to you one of my favorite Intagram accounts, one that you might called it “foodie” but I know that is much more than that; its called Kimakool. Pau´s project/hobbie/passion that got the name after having a swim with dolphins in Cancún where she found out the meaning of Kimakool.
Kimakool <ki’imak óol> (happiness in Mayan language); what a great name to include different posts of tasty plates that make you happy!
Hey you think that was it, just a “normal” foodie instagram account, nop. Kimakool not only has great pictures but it has something…it moves you… it has a great vibe; you can scroll down all its feed getting awesome motivation quotes, travel posts, sports and
ki’imak óol.
What are you waiting for!? Visit @kimakoolmx give a bunch of love (likes 😉 ) and enjoy your eyes, taste the pictures and get some motivation for takeout.
keep rollin till you find something you love