Want to be the center of attention in the thanksgiving dinner, check out this amazing but unusual facts about Thanksgiving.
1.- Not everybody is at the malls making some shopping. Black Friday is the busiest day for plumbers in the US! Well someone had to clean up after eating like monster the night before….
2.- Gobble Gobble, only male turkeys gobble. The females, cackles.
3.- Benjamin Franklin was going to named the turkey as the USA National bird, he said to his daughter that the bold eagle had a “bad moral character”. A turkey was more of a “respectable bird”.
4.- You thought Thanksgiving was just an American tradition, well wrong! Canadians also celebrate it but on the second Monday in October.
5.- Why “turkey” ? At first all the way across the ocean, the Europeans started liking the guinea fowls. This guinea fowls were imported from the Turkish so the English called the animal turkeys. The name stay up to the discovery of the New World.
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